G r a c e N e w t o n - W o r d s w o r t h
From the time Grace was a little girl, her passion has been to get up on stage and entertain people. As mentioned before, Grace was voted to be 'Arts Captain' at Presbyterian Ladies College, and absolutely adored entertaining the students and putting a smile on their faces. From getting up and performing 'Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend' to putting on 'Battle of The Bands' and creating crazy videos. Grace was the MC of many events throughout the year and hopes to do much more of that in her future. Below is a Youtube series Grace has been working on called 'The Farm Life' which she was created on her family's bio-dynamic and organic farm. From the age of three, Grace has been getting up and entertaining people in many ways, from standing up and singing to putting on talent shows and performing with her mother, 'Kelly Newton-Wordsworth' around the world. For more info about international singer-songwriter Kelly, go to 'kellynewtonwordworth.com'